The Correct Order for Choosing Materials for Your Kitchen Renovation

Are you thinking about renovating your kitchen? Picking the right materials is crucial for a smooth renovation that you'll love for years to come. With so many choices out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Don’t worry, this guide is here to help you navigate those choices, ensuring you end up with a kitchen design that you love.

  1. Start with the Big Elements: Kick off your project by choosing the largest elements. These are the parts of your renovation that take up the most space and therefore make a big impact, like appliances, cabinetry, countertops and flooring. These items usually have fewer options than the other materials, so it’s important to nail these down first. The choices you make at this step will lay the groundwork for the look and feel of your space.

  2. Next, Choose Your Decorative Pieces: Now is time to think about the details. Select your plumbing fixtures, cabinetry hardware, decorative light fixtures, and backsplash. These are often the items that really allow you to express your personal style. They typically have many more choices than the big ticket items, so it’s easier to find something that will work perfectly with what you’ve already decided on above.

  3. Finish with Wall Color: Lastly, choose your wall color. It’s best to do this after all other major decisions to ensure the paint complements everything else. You have almost infinite options when it comes to paint colors. Selecting the paint last helps tie all your choices together into one cohesive look.

Following this step-by-step approach can take the stress out of your renovation and help ensure every element works well together. As you go through this process remember to consider how each piece interacts with all the others.

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